About us CW 24 News “.. A Daily News newspaper and a website issued by the company “Future Publishing and distribution”, on October 6. In 1973. On April 13, 1997, businessman Abdel Fattah Mohamed Hassan handed it over to the daughter of Abdel Nasser Abdel Fattah Mohamed, “CW 24 News” established a series of professional journalistic standards, according to which all employees of the institution, both print and electronic, adhere to them, and Al Watan works through its website and daily newspaper according to the professional journalistic rules approved by the journalism profession and in accordance with the standards and laws of the Egyptian state, and in accordance with the laws regulating the press and publishing in Egypt, and recognizes and adheres to all the codes of the Supreme Council the media and all its decisions .
Hawi news raises a slogan across all its print and electronic platforms of neutrality, accuracy, objectivity, transparency and credibility, and practices it in all its published journalistic product.these standards are considered the main bridge of communication between it as a newspaper and a website and the reader, and it is the contract concluded by the reader and the site without being edited by one of them in writing. it is a contract, commitment and a word imposed by the profession first, and the conscience of the journalist second.
Hawai’i News does not belong to any political or partisan current, and the publication of press materials through the newspaper and the website does not reflect any ideological, sectarian, political or partisan affiliations, and “Homeland” relies in its journalistic belief and vision on the basics of the civil state and the controls of the law and its provisions, and the institution believes in the complete and complete separation of powers, the teaching of the values of democracy in politics and the preservation of the security of states and the capabilities of peoples. Who are the readers of”Homeland?”.. They are all Egyptians, as Al Watan addresses through its website and printed newspaper to a large segment of Egyptians, in addition to everyone who is fluent in Arabic in the region or the world. The benefit is through the video journalism adopted by Al Watan and distinguished in it, as the content reaches everyone who has a way to watch Al Watan’s video journalism, and Al Watan uses all platforms and social media and adheres to its charters and standards when publishing to reach readers in all countries of the world.
The readers of” Al Watan ” are those who are looking for information and news, from all segments of society, also interested in culture as well as those looking for entertainment, the left arm of the media, whether in read or illustrated materials, everything that the reader is looking for by all means of research and its techniques will find in.